:Base StepUp.hlp>main :Title StepUp'96 Help :Index File Handler Help=FHandler.hlp :Index Menu Designer Help=Designer.hlp ; Menu Designer Help :Index Taskbar Icon Handler Help=TrayIcon.hlp ; Taskbar Icon Handler Help 1 Welcome to StepUp'96! 2 Overview=overview 2 What's new in this version=WhatsNew 2 System requirements=SysRequirements 2 This is "Try Before You Buy" software=TryBeforeYouBuy 2 Evaluation vs Continued use=evaluation 2 What do you get when you order a license for StepUp'96=WhatDoYouGet 2 How to order a license for continued use of StepUp'96=HowToOrder 2 Obtaining updates to the software=GettingUpdates 2 Getting customer support=GettingSupport 2 How to access StepUp'96 Help=stepup_help_index 1 Installing StepUp'96 2 Using Setup utility=ID_HELP_WELCOME 2 How to install StepUp'96=HowToInstall 2 How to enter your Registration Code=HowToEnterRegCode 2 How to uninstall StepUp'96=HowToUninstall 1 StepUp Menu 2 How to use StepUp Menu=stepup_menu_index 2 How to provide each user with a separate StepUp menu=StepUpMenuSeparate 1 Folder Navigator 2 How to use Folder Navigator=FNav_menu_index :include Designer.cnt :include FHandler.cnt :include TrayIcon.cnt 1 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 2 Can I order a subset of StepUp'96 for a lower price?=OrderSubset 2 Can I upgrade to StepUp'96 from FM StepUp?=CanUpgrade 2 How do I enter the Registration Code?=HowToEnterRegCode 2 Not all items appear in StepUp Menu=NotAllItemsAppear 2 Only A: and C: drives appear in the "Explore Drive" submenu=NotAllDrivesAppear 2 I've lost StepUp Menu=LostStepUpMenu 2 I've lost Folder Navigator Menu=LostFolderNavMenu 2 I've lost StepUp icons in the taskbar=NoIconsInTaskbar 2 CDROM Autorun Icon does not seem to work=AutorunDoesnotWork 2 CDROM Autorun Icon does not affect audio discs=AutorunAudio 2 How do I uninstall StepUp'96 ?=HowToUninstall 1 Known problems and limitations 2 StepUp Menu 3 Not all selected files are passed to SM by Windows=SM_NotAllFilesPassed 3 Stepup Menu conflicts with Norton Navigator=ConflictSUMenuWithNortonNav 2 Folder Navigator 3 'Go to [CDROM drive]' does not open the root folder=CDROM_RootDoesnotOpen 3 'Go to' works as 'Open' in common dialogs=GoToAsOpen 2 Menu Designer 3 Dragging items between menu files is not supported=MD_DragNotSupported 3 The number of menu items is limited by Windows=MD_MaxNumOfItems 2 File Handler 3 Progress title reads 'Moving' while renaming files=FH_ProgressMoving 3 Windows 95 does not allow to stamp folders=FH_CanntStampFolders 3 Not all stamped files are updated automatically=FH_NotAllUpdated 3 Updating clipboard may cause an application error=FH_ErrorUpdateClipboard